The Professional Association, Sandrin & Vettorello, has grown over the years through the inclusion of young professionals that mature gradually their skills and professional experience under the guidance of the members.

The development of occupations and major specific skill needs in various professional fields require a progressive increase in the size of the Studio and the inclusion of particularly motivated candidates and eager to grow professionally within a dynamic environment, projected in the search for innovation that sees as a reference the global market.

We are always interested in offering opportunities for professional growth in new employees with a strong propensity to teamwork and a strong flexibility.
If you want to submit your application, please fill out the required fields and attach a short cover letter and your resume in Word or PDF version.


If you want to submit your application, send us your Curriculum Vitae to the address and indicate the place of work where you prefer to work between:

  • Trieste – Italia
  • Spresiano (TV) – Italia
  • Bucarest – Romania
  • Timinsoara – Romania
  • Sofia – Bulgaria